PRISMA Economia - Società - Lavoro

PRISMA Economia - Società - Lavoro

Rivista semestrale di analisi economica e sociale - IRES Marche

2 issues per year, ISSN 0393-9049 , ISSNe 2036-5063

Printed issue price (also old issues): € 47.00

E-book issue price (also old issues): € 40.00

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PRISMA Economy, Society, and Work is a journal promoted by IRES Marche. It aims to provide critical analysis and reflection on the economic and social transformations affecting Le Marche region, either directly or indirectly, with particular focus on the world of work. It also provides comparative analysis of other regions. Each issue's main subject is presented in a monographic and interdisciplinary format, in such a way as to provide an articulated analysis of the most relevant phenomena. PRISMA also examines socio-economic dynamics from a work perspective: it analyses the impact of socio-economic transformations on the quality and organisation of work and looks at how changes in the nature and characteristics of work impact on economic processes and social organisation. The mix of theoretical papers and empirical articles dealing directly with Le Marche broadens the scope of interest from the local context to a national and European level. The scientific dimension of the papers, which is assured through a peer review process and the high level of the scientific committee, serves a twofold purpose: to maintain a dialogue with the world of "practitioners", and to serve as a forum for critical reflection and interpretation of the socio-economic transformations currently taking place. As a forum for discussion, open to contributions from social and political forces, the journal is able to host a real debate between the various social realities present in Le Marche, while also favouring the development of active citizenship in regard to regional dynamics. It also provides decision-makers with a methodological instrument, in that it facilitates discussion on ideas that emerge from contributions, and helps direct towards more informed actions.

General Editor: Francesco Orazi
Scientific board: Francesco Adornato, Ugo Ascoli, Michael Blim, Gianluca Busilacchi, Piera Campanella, Antonio Cantaro, Carlo Carboni, Pippo Ciorra, Monica De Angelis, Ilvio Diamanti, Fulvio Esposito, Nedo Fanelli, Angelo Ferracuti, Stefano Giubboni, Serge Latouche, Giorgio Mangani, Michela Marchiori, Amoreno Martellini, Renato Novelli, Paolo Pascucci, Tonino Pencarelli, Fabio Polonara, Lorenzo Robotti, Massimo Sargolini, Stefano Staffolani, Iginio Straffi, Grid Thoma, Francesco Totaro, Angelo Ventrone
Executive board: Micol Bronzini, Fatima Farina, Fabio Fiorillo, Marco Giovagnoli, Davide Lucantoni, Eleonora Fontana, Nicola Matteucci, Francesco Orazi, Natalia Paci, Serena Rugiero, Paolo Seri, Raffaella Santolini, Federico Sofritti
Editorial staff: Marco Amichetti

Segreteria di redazione: Marco Amichetti, Via 1 Maggio 142/c – 60131 Ancona – tel/fax 071.4193002; e-mail:;

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Issue 3/2016