Entrepreneurship Education and the rise of new Organizations.

Manuel Castriotta, Michela Loi

Entrepreneurship Education and the rise of new Organizations.

Mapping research and future tendencies

In this book the focus is on the entrepreneurial stages that immediately precede the rise of new organizations. It specifically examines two branches of entrepreneurship, namely entrepreneurship education and new venture creation, that are thought to be at the origin of future decisions, behaviours, routines that are likely to shape future organisations. The aim of the book is to enhance the understanding of the theoretical and conceptual bases of these two topics, by delving into their scientific and empirical discourse.

Pages: 108

ISBN: 9788891763860

Edizione:1a edizione 2017

Publisher code: 365.1162

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate: Sì

Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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Studying entrepreneurship tells us the story of an organization, as it looks at its origin, development, success, and failure.
In this book the focus is on the entrepreneurial stages that immediately precede the rise of new organizations. With a bibliometric lens, it specifically examines two branches of entrepreneurship, namely entrepreneurship education and new venture creation, that are thought to be at the origin of future decisions, behaviours, routines that are likely to shape future organisations. The aim of the book is to enhance the understanding of the theoretical and conceptual bases of these two topics, by delving into their scientific and empirical discourse. A comprehensive map in these two topics allows the authors to highlight and discuss the lessons learned during the last 25 years of research.

Manuel Castriotta
is Research Fellow in Organization Studies at the Department of Economic and Business Sciences - University of Cagliari (Italy). His research interests are related to the influence of organizational studies on innovation and entrepreneurship. He has published articles in high standing journals including International Small Business Journal and Scientometrics.

Michela Loi
is Assistant Professor in Organization Studies at the Department of Economic and Business Sciences - University of Cagliari (Italy). Her main research interests deal with the mechanisms surrounding the choice of becoming entrepreneurs, with a focus on the processes underpinning the rise of new organizations. Her works have been published in international journals such as International Small Business Journal and Science and Public Policy.

How to map Entrepreneurship Education and New Organizations Studies
(A bibliometric overview; Science mapping techniques; Science mapping workflow)
The conceptual evolution of Entrepreneurship Education. From Knowledge Base to Research Fronts
(Entrepreneurship Education: A fragmented field; The evolution of Entrepreneurship Education; Study 1: A co-word analysis perspective; Study 2: A hybrid approach; Lesson learned)
The conceptual structure of the research on the emergence of New Organizations
(Delving into the semantic ambiguity; The study: A co-word analysis perspective; Lesson learned)
Conclusions and future tendencies
Appendix 1 - Figures
Appendix 2 - Tables.

Serie: Economia - Ricerche

Subjects: Economy and Business Studies

Level: Scholarly Research

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