Fashion Law

Claudia Del Re

Fashion Law

Pills for enterpreneur and fashion operators

The volume is aimed at professionals operating in the international fashion sector, active within or in close contact with companies, sector operators (managers, stylists, artisans), young people who intend to pursue a career in the fashion chain. The main objective of the text is to lead everyone within the world of law, in order to acquire a general awareness of the legal institutions of greatest impact and importance for the birth, growth and development of a fashion brand and of luxury.

Pages: 130

ISBN: 9788835103042

Edizione:1a edizione 2020

Publisher code: 1060.312

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

Pages: 130

ISBN: 9788835104612

Edizione:1a edizione 2020

Publisher code: 1060.312

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate:

Format: ePub con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

In the era of "globalized fashion 4.0", the market is pushing to review the system of training "creatives" in the field of design and art. The participation of talents in the creation of their own business idea, the protection of the results of their creative genius, and the culture of corporate management have become realities that cannot be ignored in the Fashion or Luxury sector. In other words, fashion needs - today more than ever - not "phenomena", but "professionals".
The Fashion Law, understood as the area where the branches of law that cover issues related to the fashion business converge, certainly provides valuable support in this transformation. In fact, it ranges from intellectual property to finance, from labor law to trade law and international contracts.
The main objective of the volume is to accompany the reader in the "Fashion Law" area, in order to allow him to acquire a general awareness of the legal institutions of greatest impact and importance for the birth, growth and development of a fashion and luxury brand. But not only: some operating tools are provided (international contractual formats used in the sector as well as practical-operational indications for the opening of a brand in China) for immediate use.
The volume is in fact aimed at professionals operating in the international fashion sector, active within or in close contact with companies, sector operators (managers, stylists, artisans), young people who intend to pursue a career in the fashion chain.

Claudia Del Re, awyer, PhD in intellectual property and competition law, is also a contract professor and research collaborator in "Management of patenting and intellectual property" at the University of Florence. Since 2010 she has been training at high-level institutes in the Italian and international fashion and design sector, and she also provides advice to companies operating in the fashion and luxury sector. She has published in national and international intellectual property journals, also writing and contributing to books and collections published nationally and internationally, subject to reference (

Claudia Del Re, Preface
(Fashion, Law and Fashion Law; What is a Brand; Fashion Law)
Fashion Law and the foundation of a fashion/luxury company
(Companies in the fashion sector; Creative process of the Fashion products; Employment contracts and strategic figures in a fashion business company)
Fashion Law and the creation of a fashion product: intellectual property rights as a remedy of protection
(Intellectual property law; Intellectual property privatives; Trademark concept and functions; Concept and sources of copyright; Patent concept; Design concept)
Fashion Law and the international contractual network
(Fashion and contracts; Business contracts; In-house and external production; Marketing of fashion products abroad; International agency acontract: how to organize the product distribution; Licensing practices; Co-marketing/co-branding contracts; Non-Disclosure Agreement)
Appendix 1 - Company's team plans
Appendix 2 - Estabilishing a fashion brand in China
Appendix 3 - Made in Italy
Appendix 4 - International classification of Nice -
Latest edition 2019 - List of classes with explanatory notes
Appendix 5 - International classification of Locarno (Design/Ornamental Model)
Appendix 6 - Sample of business contracts.

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