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How to submit a book proposal



When we assess a book proposal, the first criteria we apply is the consistency between contents and target. Are the style and topics aligned with the characteristics of the target reader? In our catalogue we offer several typologies of publications, each one addressed to specific targets. 

o studies and researches (for academic communities and researchers); 

o textbooks (for university courses); 

o publications for professional training (for employees, consultants, professionals, social workers…);

o Self-help and self-teaching books (for a wider target). 

If your book belongs to one of these categories, and if you believe that it can be original and interesting for one of these targets, we will be pleased to consider it. To facilitate our work, please follow some simple guidelines when preparing your book proposal.

o Who is your target reader? 

o In the case of a book of research, could you please summarise why your contribution is original?

o In the case of a research book, do you want/accept the book to be peer reviewed?  

o In the case of a professional training book, could you please specify the reasons why the topics and solutions proposed in your work can be relevant for professionals?

o In the case of a textbook, in what courses could it be used?

o Are there any other similar books on the topic? If yes, what makes your work different?

o In all of the abovementioned cases, could you please provide a table of contents and a couple of test chapters? 

o When would the whole book be available? 

o Could you provide an estimate length of your work (in words)? 

To submit your book proposal download the questionnaire here; attach your CV, the table of contents and a few chapters and send all files to We will reply as soon as possible. Hopefully, should the response be positive, we will assist and advise you in the best possible way.  We will help you make your book readable, clear and consistent. In this phase, we may highlight any doubts and suggest eventual changes (integrations, clarifications through footnotes, fixing the bibliography, etc.). We may advise you on how to stress some concepts and key points. We will assist you in the making of figures and charts. We will also advise on intellectual property issues. In your final version, the text will be reviewed by our editorial and marketing board for its final approval. In the case of studies or academic researches, the book will also be sent to referees in compliance with the procedures of the Academy. At the end of this procedure, we define the publishing agreement.


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