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Tools for the authors

Online First service

FrancoAngeli offers the service of Online first, that is, the possibility of publishing articles before the issue of the journal in which they will be included. 

This solution allows to significantly reduce the publication time, allowing the Author to make known more quickly to its scientific community of reference the results of the research. The Author will also be able to immediately request, for competition and/or evaluation needs, the file of the work for uploading to closed-access repositories, or in open access repositories if it appears in a journal published in open access.  

In fact, articles published under Online first have already completed all stages of evaluation and are in final editing; they are marked with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) code that will remain unchanged when the publication is included in the journal issue.

Essays are uploaded to a dedicated area on the Web page of the relevant Journal, with the relevant metadata - title, abstract, keywords and bibliographic references.

They are available in Open Access or purchasable by download credit depending on the publication mode of the Journal itself.

The service can only be used for publication in journals that have authorised it. To find out which journals offer this service, please check the homepages of the individual journals

The service costs 150 euro (plus 22% VAT) for private individuals and 400 euro (plus 22% VAT) for organisations; to request it, download this form and send it, completed in full, to


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