Ricerca in vetrina 2015.

Adi Cagliari, Adi Sassari - Associazione dottorandi e dottori di ricerca italiani, Associazione dottorandi e dottori di ricerca italiani

A cura di: Laura Lai, Miriam Mastinu, Valeria Saiu, Matilde Silvia Schirru

Ricerca in vetrina 2015.

PhD in Sardinia: Higher Education, Scientific Research and Social Capital

Gli atti del Convegno "Ricerca in Vetrina" presentano alcune riflessioni sui temi del precariato universitario, del finanziamento della ricerca, della formazione e del reclutamento accademico, della valorizzazione del titolo di studio del dottorato di ricerca anche al di fuori dell’università. Una riflessione da diverse angolazioni sullo scenario che si offre a trent’anni dall’istituzione del primo ciclo di Alta Formazione Dottorale in Italia.

Pagine: 538

ISBN: 9788891736635

Edizione:1a edizione 2016

Codice editore: 2000.1448

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: PDF con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

Pagine: 538

ISBN: 9788891738639

Edizione:1a edizione 2016

Codice editore: 2000.1448

Possibilità di stampa: No

Possibilità di copia: No

Possibilità di annotazione:

Formato: ePub con DRM per Digital Editions

Informazioni sugli e-book

The present volume collects the proceedings of the Conference Ricerca in Vetrina 2015 in Sardinia: Higher education, scientific research and social capital (Casa Gioiosa, Regional Park of Porto Conte, Alghero, 9-10 October 2015).
The event, organized and promoted by the branches of Cagliari and Sassari of ADI, the Association of Italian PhD Candidates and PhD Researchers, during its second edition has involved 140 researchers from 24 different departments of 5 Italian and foreign universities. The 87 papers presented in this volume are divided into six thematic sessions that explore, with an interdisciplinary approach, some of the most important issues for the development and growth of the territory: energetic efficiency and sustainability; sciences and applied technologies; culture and economy of nutrition; environment and landscape; history and identity of the places; democracy and social equality.
This work, in fact, aims to enlarge the knowledge shared by diverse scientific sectors and academic disciplines, as well as to contribute to the spreading among the civil society, the institutions and the private companies, of the results of the scientific research produced by young researchers, showing their potential for the economical and socio-cultural development of Sardinia.

Valeria Saiu, Matilde Silvia Schirru, For a Regional Research Policy. Per una politica regionale della ricerca
Vetrina 1
Giuseppe Desogus, Emanuele Mura, Energy Efficiency and Sustainability
Simone Arena, Efisio Casti, Mario Cascetta, Fabio Serra, Giorgio Cau, Performance Analysis of Thermal Energy Storage (TES) Systems based on Sensible and Latent Heat for Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Applications
Silvia Farris, Energy Landscapes. Renewable energy and evolving landscape
Stefania Di Benedetto, Thermal Comfort Analysis of Buildings in Mediterranean Climate
Miriam Stara, Energy retrofitting of historic buildings: criticality and intervention strategies
Lorenza Di Pilla, A methodology for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of dwelling energy retrofits
Vetrina 2
Simone Poddighe, Matilde Silvia Schirru, Applied Technologies
Angela Piredda, Municipalities Sardinians on Facebook: ID cards of Public Administration in the cyber space
Eleonora Melis, The health technologies: management profiles as a result of an empirical investigation in an economic corporate perspective
Andrea Matta, A Planning Support System for supporting Local Land-Use Planning. Strategic Environmental Assessment
Linda Giresini, Jose Matos, Probabilistic approach in Rocking Analysis of Masonry Elements: influence of the restitution coefficient on the response
Roberta Floris, Social Media Geographic Information (SMGI) in tourism planning
Pierangelo Massa, Social Media Geographic Information (SMGI): analytical opportunities for spatial planning and governance
Elisabetta Anna Di Cesare, Geodesign and metaplanning: advanced planning support systems development
Rita Langasco, Barbara Cadeddu, Giovanna Rassu, Renata Manconi, Elisabetta Gavini, Marine sponges (Porifera) as promising bio sources in pharmaceutics
Vetrina 3
Fabrizio Angius, Matilde Silvia Schirru, Science, Culture, and Economy of Food
Emanuela Porru, What's inside our plate: culture or economy? Outcomes of a socioeconomic modernization process on food and eating habits
Laura Dessantis, Sara Spanu, Detroit urban gardens: from crisis to renaissance?
Salvatore Pinna, Embeddedness and organic certification influence on alternative food networks: a case study in the community of Madrid, Spain
Maria Luigia Biggio, Grazia Galleri, Francesca Losa, Rosalia Fadda, Alessandra Mela, Giannina Secchi, Roberto Manetti, New diagnostic approach to Celiac Disease. Cell-mediated response to the antigen-specific stimulation
Mondina Francesca Lunesu, Leonardo Sidney Knupp, Alberto Stanislao Atzori, Giacomo Floris, Mauro Decandia, Antonello Cannas, Estimation of body reserves in lactating ewes and goats
Jessica Serdino, Fabio Correddu, Maria Grazia Manca, Nicolo Pietro Paolo Macciotta, Application of multivariate principal component analysis on milk composition variables and milk coagulation properties in Sarda dairy ewes
Vetrina 4
Miriam Mastinu, Valeria Saiu, Environment and Landscape
Marta Canu, Giovanna Cappai, Alessandra Carucci, Phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated soils for biofuel production
Giovanni Maria Biddau, New forms for transforming water landscapes
Laura Lutzoni, Michele Valentino, Designing Waterscapes. The Territory of the City of Olbia
Giovanni Mandras, Devrim Murat Yazan, Bio-refineries as a regional development strategy: a regional inputoutput analysis
Carlo Pisano, Between Metropolitan Archipelagos and Patchwork Metropolis. The dimension of the urban project in the neoliberal period
Alfonso Annunziata, Eco-Roads. Roads as generators of complex spaces
Enrica Campus, Contamination: When research influences the profession."Mobilita Lenta. Oristano e area vasta". The project
Alessio Nieddu, Giovanna Cappai, Martina Piredda, Reduction of carbon dioxide point sources emissions through accelerated carbonation of alkaline residues
Alessandro Sanna, A correlation study among some environmental factors and human health in Sardinia (Italy)
Viviana Guido, Valentina Mereu, Donatella Spano, What about grapevine phenological stages under climate change scenarios? A modellistic approach
Leonardo Lutzoni, Design for the territory amidst crisis and new signs: the "avant-garde mountain"
Vetrina 5
Laura Lai, History and Identity of Places
Michele Valentino, Laura Lutzoni, Urban design and environmental process. The Porto Conte Regional Park
Roberto Busonera, Landscape and archaeology in Sardinia. Between juridical inertia and land management
Giuseppe Onni For a new geography of Sardinia. Planning processes and territorial transformations
Lino Cabras, Total art and Total theatre at the Bauhaus. Oskar Schlemmer's abstract choreographies
Cristian Cannaos, How the settlement in Sardinia has changed. The stock housing in fifty years of building activity
Annalisa Carta, Industrial archive-keeping: recovery of disused mining facilities in the south-west of Sardinia
Claudia Mura, Modern Architecture in Sardinia. The case of Arborea. Analysis of construction techniques and recovery interventions
Sara Impera, Minimalia. Building practices of resistance in the abandoned territories
Silvia Carrucciu, Mediterranean traditional culture, architecture paradigms and contemporary declinations. Light as a tool for compositional analysis
Maria Dessi, The Structural Vulnerability of The Architectonic Heritage in "Low-Risk" Sites. The Example of the Sardinian Churches
Enrico Petruzzi, Turris Libisonis Colonia Iulia. Urban Archeology and digital tools for knowledge and protection
Maria Cherchi, Magnetometry on deserted villages of Meilogu and Anglona: methodologies and case-studies
Gianluigi Marras, Landscapes of Power and Sacred Landscapes in the medieval Meilogu (VI-XIV a.D.): history and archaeology
Maria Serena Cadoni, When the dance becomes macabre
Vetrina 6
Alberto Valenti, Valeria Saiu, Federico Onnis Cugia, Marco Calaresu, Democracy and Social Equality
Roberta Guido, Governing urban transformations. Urban commons: processes and dynamics of practise of the right to the city
Giovanna Fancello, Walkability, right to the city and urban design
Andrea Laddomada, Shared Services Delivery in Italy and Europe. A comparative research about the state of the art of intermunicipal cooperation around Italy and Europe
Antioco Ledda, Empowering stakeholders: participatory processes'role in landscape planning in Sardinia
Davide Pisu, Matteo Trincas, New approaches to the design of spaces of information in relation to public urban spaces
Silvia Bodei, Forms of shared habitation in Barcelona
Maria Coronato, Natural risk and cohesion policy
Daniele Pulino, Sara Spanu, Social Capital, Mobility and Crime. Socio-territorial indicators for an Information System
Valentina Ghibellini, Field notes on public engagement of research and community empowerment
Gabriella Colucci, From school dropouts to educational success. Policies and actions against early school leaving in the Italian school
Carla Contini, Rossella Putzolu, Poster Session
Veronica Bellucco, Serena Marras, Donatella Spano, Measuring and modelling the urban carbon budget
Alessia Meloni, Eco-responsible plan and d

Contributi: Fabrizio Angius, Marco Calaresu, Carla Contini, Giuseppe Desogus, Emanuele Mura, Federico Onnis Cugia, Simone Poddighe, Rossella Putzolu, Alberto Valenti

Collana: Varie

Argomenti: Politiche urbane e territoriali - Economia e gestione aziendale

Livello: Studi, ricerche

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