FrancoAngeli solution Our position about
How to submit a book proposal Some tips for more effective writing: professional writing Some tips for more effective writing: Textbooks How to prepare a manuscript for publishing Common writing errors to avoid Writing manual (read more) How to Get More Readers Tips for promoting your book How we help authors to increase their visibility/impact

how we help authors increase their visibility/impact

In years, at Franco Angeli, we have created a significant network of contacts to promote the books of our authors. In fact, our website boasts more than 350.000 unique visitors a month, our digital newsletter has 130.000 subscribers   and we have more than 15.000 interactive catalogues (see: Franco Angeli Editions – Books and Magazines). In particular, last year, every month we sent: 

o e-mails on new publications to about 13.000 university professors working in our subjects of interest. 

o More than 100.000 e-mails on new publications to the subscribers of the informatemi service (mainly consultants and professionals, but also teachers, students and librarians) 


o Every third month we update our online interactive catalogues (available on our website).

Our university service answers every single request of professors. 

Our press office works on a database of more than 2300 active contacts both on traditional media (magazines, newspapers, periodicals) and online (blogs, newsletter, online press, etc.). The database is accurately organised and constantly updated. Journalists and editors are regularly informed on our new publications. 

The results of this commitment are reported with transparency in our press review (see for instance L'Italia dell'ignoranza. Crisi della scuola e declino del Paese ). Thanks to the service of Eco della Stampa, we can make a press review of a book when requested by the author. We are also dedicated to engaging those communities interested in social media channels:  see Franco Angeli Edizioni - Le nostre Pagine in Facebook. Almost daily, we propose information and news that may inspire considerations on the topics discussed on our pages, and that may create engagement with our editorial line.


Why publishing an article on our magazines How to propose an article for our magazines Online first articles Crossref services and functionalities Our Journals on Scopus Our journals on Web of Science
Why publish with us Code of ethics